Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sawdust is waste from sawmill

This is picture for experiment

By Nurul Najwa Binti Ahmad 21 oct 2015

The images show that differences colour before and after pyrolysis process.

The number of weight is decrease 0.03gram and the most important the colour changing from white colour of sawdust into black colour of sawdust.

This reason of heating process for plant or wood react with the ambient environment.

Hence, these carbon would be infiltrate into any porous of by product.

the major of description from the experiment is changes colour and thermodynamic or element contain in the sawdust absolute is differ between these two.

Through the test which is Xray diffraction XRD and Xray flouorescene (XRF).element contain of
these two material should be analyses using the equipment by checking the data analyses which is obtains from the test.
Then, graph would be draw by excel with some technique.

This is hardwork and some preparation is required in during each of step. before pyrolysis. parameter for pyrolysis. test and examine under XRD equipment and the most thing the analyses from data and construct the data. conclusion and presenting the result. The most is how to relate with previous experiment that is lack on their research.

It look hard and a lot work is study of any product just call as waste but the cost for order any equipment very expensive.  

Please pray for me to establish my courage and this knowledge. Hope Allah give me or borrow some ilm' or intellegent or show me the way for getting and finish it.

My english is worse but i am try my best to use english in writing and speaking for deliver the knowledge and share the knowledge with others.


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